#SSV $SSV SSV's day market analysis:

SSV's market trend today presents an interesting contrast at all levels. At the 1-hour level, the bears dominate; while the 2- and 4-hour levels show that the bulls are strong. Among them, the long-short contest at the 4-hour level is particularly critical, and 36.969 has become an important long-short dividing point today.

If the market chooses to go down, investors need to pay close attention to three support levels: first, 36.143, which will be an important line of defense when the market goes down; if it continues to fall, it is necessary to pay attention to the two more solid support levels of 35.546 and 35.031.

On the contrary, if the price rebounds, it is necessary to keep an eye on three pressure levels. First, 38.181 is the first test faced by the market when it rebounds; if it successfully breaks through, it is necessary to pay attention to the key point of 38.469; and 39.169 is an important pressure level above, and whether it can break through will determine the new height of the market.

In short-term trading, the contrast and change of long and short forces are like every move in a chess game. You need to stay alert at all times and accurately grasp the market trends in order to win in this financial chess game.

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