What a novice must learn!

When we encounter a sharp drop in the market, how should we adjust our mentality?

First of all, we must understand that investment itself is an adventure, full of uncertainty and risk. Market corrections are normal and there is no need to panic. In the face of such market fluctuations, we must:

Keep calm: Don't blindly follow the trend, and don't be swayed by panic.

Rational analysis: We need to analyze market trends rationally to avoid being disturbed by rumors and panic.

Remember, the value of investment lies not only in short-term gains, but also in long-term technology and application prospects.

Be patient: Investment is a marathon, not a 100-meter sprint. Only by perseverance can we get stable returns in long-term investment.

Firm confidence: Investment is a long-distance race, which requires us to have enough patience and confidence.

Believe in your own judgment and stick to your investment beliefs, so that we can go further.

In short, in the face of market fluctuations, we must learn to adjust our mentality and respond rationally, so that we can go more steadily and further on the road of investment.

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In the current ups and downs of the market, blindly working alone will never bring opportunities!