
BNB current market analysis

At the 1/2 hour level, BNB showed a rebound trend, but at the 4 hour level, a purple dot appeared, which was a signal for short buying.

At the 4 hour level, the price of the long-short watershed is near 572.67. If this price cannot stand firm, the market may continue to fall. At this time, the following support levels should be paid attention to: near the three key price levels of 569.56, 566.72 and 564.58.

However, if BNB can successfully stand firm at the price of 572.67, the strength of the bulls may increase, which is expected to drive the price up. In this scenario, the pressure levels will be near the three important price levels of 574.85, 577.36 and 579.65 respectively.

Investors should pay close attention to the changes in these prices in order to make corresponding investment decisions.

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