Golden time to buy the bottom of popular currencies

The recent decline of altcoins has depressed market sentiment, but as the saying goes, "extremes will reverse", now is the golden time to buy the bottom of popular currencies!

Market sentiment and rebound expectations

The currency circle seems to always repeat the rhythm of last year: first a panic drop, then a rapid rebound. Now, the panic is in place, and the rebound may start at any time. Once it starts, the speed will be very fast, perhaps within ten days or half a month.

Current market analysis

The currencies that are still rising in the market are all strong and hot currencies. Therefore, it becomes particularly important to screen currencies.

Strategy and suggestions

Chase hot spots and seize opportunities. Do a good job of risk management and mentality adjustment. If you can't bear market fluctuations, it is recommended to wait and see, or hold the spot and wait for the opportunity.

Investment mentality and risk management

The current market is in a deep wash stage. When most people are cheering the arrival of the bull market, you may need to calm down and remember the old saying: "Buy when no one is watching, and sell when everyone is talking."