#美国PCE数据将公布 #MicroStrategy增持BTC

The ending of Water Margin has already told us how to face the big environment!

1. Run. Don't make futile efforts. This world is big and there will always be a way out. Hun Jianglong took a group of younger brothers to Siam to be the king, and he was also very successful. If you have the ability, you will be the second XX.

2. Go. When you are unable to change the reality, save enough money and then hide it. Retiring to the mountains is also a good choice. Swallow Li Qing finally lived in seclusion with Song Huizong's lover, and it was very happy.

3. Mix. If you have a skill, it is not a problem to get enough food and clothing. What kind of divine doctor, gunpowder master, calligrapher, musician, sculptor, you will never starve to death if you have a skill.

4. Roll. You have to be the king of roll kings. As long as you roll your peers to death, you are the king of roll kings. The anti-Jin pioneer is decided to be you. In the end, you get what you want and die for, and win a good reputation before and after death.

5. Buddha. Seeing through the mundane world, converting to Buddhism is also a good choice. Religious belief is free. You can practice Taoism in Yunlongwu Dutou or Master Lu practice Buddhism. You can also consider reading the Bible and the Blue Sutra. After all, there is strength in numbers.