Shanghai's first WEB 3.0 industry report was released. TRON actively participated in this survey. Recently, under the guidance of the Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Liberation Daily and Fudan University School of Economics jointly released the "2024 Shanghai WEB 3.0 Innovation Ecosystem Construction Research Report" ( Later referred to as the "Report"), this is also the first WEB3.0 industry report in Shanghai. As an important research subject of the research team, TRON actively participated in the preliminary research of the "Report" and provided data and content support for the research work. This survey covers popular concepts in multiple industries such as RWA and stablecoins. When TRON accepted the preliminary survey of the "Report", it pointed out that the popularization of stablecoins and RWA is a development process that blockchain and encryption technology must go through. With the development of Bitcoin With the approval of currency spot ETF, stablecoins and RWA will usher in a period of rapid development and drive the development of the entire Web3 industry.