New trends in the NEAR cryptocurrency circle, a breakthrough is imminent!

📈The market is trading sideways, and the one-hour trend is eye-catching! The key point is 5.375. Once it breaks through, there is unlimited room for growth! The target price is 5.591, and the long opportunity is coming!

🛡️However, don’t forget the support level of 5.044, which is the bottom line for stable trading. #near暴涨8倍

🚨My friends, contracts are risky, and investment should be cautious! Although the cryptocurrency circle is good, hard work may not make you rich, and stable operation is the kingly way! #Near格局很大 #NEAR策略 $NEAR

#Newtrends in the cryptocurrency circle#Breakthroughis imminent#Steadyinvestment#Riskwarning