Well, let's talk about tia again. At least all my orders are shared publicly, right?

Stop-profit and stop-loss are visible to everyone, right?

Did I post the group chat? Am I the type who shows off when I take a profit? Then, imperceptibly, hey, we are making money again, come and join us. I will take you flying? ? And the type who dares not fart when the stop loss is reached?

If I were that kind of person, I don't know how many people would have unfollowed me. Public sharing and public empowerment of trading technology have always been my original intention.

Sharing comes from the loneliness of trading. Sharing can also become a habit.

This week, I will continue to update at a low frequency, and it will return to normal after settling in Po County. It will be restored at the beginning of the month! Don't worry! #tia