
The dark manipulation of the crypto market and the final dawn

The current market is like a raging storm, which is leaving deep scars on the hearts of everyone involved, especially those who hold altcoins.

The manipulators’ sinister intentions are obvious, and their goal is simple and concise - to do everything possible to prevent most of us from holding on to our assets until the peak of the altcoin season and the peak of the entire market.

In this atmosphere of panic and fear, some people have already chosen to sell, while others are on the verge of collapse, waiting for even the slightest rebound, just to get out with zero or small losses, and then regard cryptocurrencies as a nightmare that they can’t bear to look back on.

Others can’t wait to sell when the asset price increases by 2-3 times, and no longer have any trust in the subsequent growth.

These manipulators are well versed in the market and are extremely skilled in controlling the emotions of experienced players in the market.

The reason is obvious: the fewer people hold it, the easier it is to rocket it to the moon.

If many people hold it, it is very difficult to achieve 10-100 times growth.

Crypto market veterans are smart and experienced, but the focus of manipulators is to beat them in one fell swoop.

The current market feels more tense and depressed than in previous cycles.

At the same time, hundreds of millions of new users are pouring into the market due to meme coins and click-to-play apps, and in the future, these new users will become the "exit liquidity" for manipulators, funds, whales, and those of us who can stick to their portfolios.

Although the situation is extremely difficult at the moment, please believe that what has happened before will happen again (even if the current pain is more intense), and in the end, the market will reward those who are most patient and tenacious.

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