Why does every bull market have a copycat market!

In the face of a huge market value, it is difficult to provide momentum for the second time after the mid-term BTC market value reaches 2.6 trillion by relying on ETFs or market forces. The willingness of real retail investors to buy BTC is extremely low. They would rather choose PVP MEME coins than buy BTC worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. In this case, the role of copycats is born.

First, it provides a good return on investment relative to the big cake, bringing market popularity and funds.

Second, for institutions, they contribute to the Web3 industry and also need corresponding recycling returns. Ignition and harvesting require efforts. As the saying goes, you can't catch a wolf without sacrificing your son. Only by better recycling profits can we make better contributions to the development of the next round of the industry.

Third, historical experience tells us that the final end of the bull market is the chaos of demons. Copycats create emotions and cover the escape of blue chips. This is an unchanging script.

At this moment, we have seen many copycat coins with historical low volumes. As the saying goes, low volume means low price. The reluctance to sell has reached its peak, so there is no need to panic. As shown in Figure 4, the example discussed with the foreign community last night, the copycats are already ready to move, and there is a high probability that they are preparing for an explosion. $BTC $BNB $ETH