Your digital currencies are collapsing and you don't know why? ! 🩸

One indicator can save your portfolio from falling

Save this post and do not miss investment companies

The project team takes care of it for you

Most investors look at market value

Before purchasing, they forget something important, which is the FDV value

What is meant by FDV is the market value of the project

After all currencies are released for circulation in the market

To know the value of the FDV for any project, as follows: 👇

FDV = currency price x total number of currencies

The opposite of the market value, which is calculated as follows: 👇

MCAP = number of currencies offered x currency price

Projects The first time a project is put up for circulation is often...

The supply of currency is 10 - 30% and the rest is locked

For companies and project owners

This means that the market value (market cap) is a value

The project (current) does not represent the true value of it

The price begins to fall after the currencies are gradually opened

How to protect yourself when buying and investing 🧠👇

▫️ Above all, stay away from technical analysis speculation 😂

▫️ Purchase is always done using the DCA method or not

Relying on a single entry point

▫️ Avoid projects with a higher FDV

Much higher than the market value (investment)

▫️ For investment, try to find projects that provide value

Its marketability is similar to TVL

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