【2024-6-24 BTC market analysis】

Currently, Bitcoin has reached the target position we sent to you before: 60881.4. If you are afraid, you can reduce your position or set a breakeven. We will not leave for the time being and are ready to leave. We are ready to get to 58561.7 and 56528.4. If there is a buying point in the small cycle, we will increase our position. You should hold this short position. If you have time to watch the market, you can increase your position. If you don’t have time, you can reduce your position and set a breakeven. Because you don’t have time to watch the market, it is not recommended to continue holding. This is a long-term short position. Many fans cannot hold it without systematic learning. They will run away when they encounter a little floating loss or profit. Some fans have learned from us offline before. Don’t be afraid. If you don’t understand the market, don’t take personal advice. (Warm reminder: Don’t do copycat products if you don’t understand the market)

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