#BTC走勢分析 #美国PCE数据将公布

🚨🚨🚨Big news about Bitcoin! Must-read for beginners! 🚨🚨🚨

1️⃣ Dear beginners! I heard that you are all confused by the recent rise and fall of Bitcoin? Don't worry, I will briefly tell you about the current situation.

First of all, Bitcoin has been falling in the past few days. Since it rose to a high of 69,900, it has not risen again. Now the whole market has fallen into pieces, as if there is a huge vortex swallowing everything. Do you know why? It turns out that some big companies (ETFs) are selling a lot of Bitcoin, which is like a group of people suddenly started to sell their goods crazily, causing the whole market to be in chaos.

This decline not only affected Bitcoin, but also other digital currencies, and their values ​​have dropped significantly. Think about it, a few months ago, you may have seen these digital currencies rising every day and making a lot of money, but what about now?

So, what will happen to Bitcoin next? Some experts say that it may continue to fall to around 61,800, or even lower, to areas such as 61,000, 60,700 and 59,750. Sounds scary, right?

However, the good news is that although the entire market is falling, there are some safe places. For example, when Bitcoin falls to a certain level, some big players may start buying, so that the market will rebound.

In addition, there is an important indicator called "liquidity", which is like the blood of the market. Now the liquidity of the market has dropped to 2.215. If it drops further, it will be very unfavorable to the entire market. However, when liquidity rebounds to certain areas, such as 2.212, 2.207 and 2.197, it may be a good time to buy.

Finally, there is an indicator called "RSI" that is also very important. Now it has broken through the 70.00 area and reached the 71.04 area.


In this market, you can only look at the project carefully and dig out good projects. The big cake is still sideways at 69,000, and the cottage is already at the low point of the bear market. Look, Ares has dug up a magical project with less than 1 billion US dollars + Binance OK listing, top institutional investment, more than 80% of tokens unlocked, belonging to the key track ai gamefi, there is one right now, comment area 888, Ares will take you to start!