Why do many people still not accept virtual currency?

Whether it is Bitcoin, Tesla, Moutai, Tencent and other stocks, or real estate. Any opportunity that may make ordinary people financially free will have more negative voices.

The reason is simple. For any opportunity that can make money, there must be only a few people who can seize the opportunity. And those who can't seize the opportunity are more willing to accept the placebo-like idea that "this is not an opportunity but a trap" than to admit that their incompetence has led to the missed opportunity. The thinking mode that most people are willing to accept is: "This matter itself is immoral, and I don't participate because of my high moral standards." Or "People who participate are idiots, these are all scammers who will collapse sooner or later, and I am smarter to do nothing than others who are busy."

And people have a characteristic called self-perception reinforcement. That is, my thoughts will influence my behavior, and my behavior will further strengthen my thoughts. This characteristic also has a more well-known name "reverse rationalization."

People's placebo-like thoughts will influence their own behavior and keep themselves away from industries where they have not seized opportunities. And the behavior of staying away from these will further strengthen their negative thoughts about these opportunities.

Whether it is "Musk is a liar, real estate is all a bubble, or Bitcoin is a tulip, Tencent is a worthless company that only copies worthless companies, and rich people all get started by shady means", these kind of repetitive remarks are all to comfort their own psychology of stepping into the air, and then further reverse rationalization.

People are stubborn, and in order to consolidate their own ideas, they will refuse to accept any information that contradicts their own ideas and refuse to learn anything new. Many middle-aged people often say "I am too old to learn", but the next sentence is "But my experience tells me that you are wrong."

People are fragile. They cannot accept that they will make mistakes. And they are more willing to believe that it is the world that is wrong.

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