Friends, let's talk about those very market patterns that don't really work. Many people still believe in them, like children believe in fairy tales. Here is one of these fairy tales: “Before the New Year there was an increase in Bitcoin, which means it will be the same this year.” How cute it is, but, alas, it is just an illusion.

The essence of the problem

You've probably seen videos, posts on Telegram and heard statements from "experts":

- “The New Year is just around the corner, last year before it there was an increase in Bitcoin. Let’s buy, because everything is cyclical!”

These "experts" love to mix flies with cutlets, manipulating facts and psychology. They create the illusion that the market obeys some simple laws. 🤔

In fact, Bitcoin's rise before the New Year last year could have been caused by a variety of factors: the release of important data, a Fed meeting, or a large fund purchase. And no gift for the New Year! 🎁

Why patterns don't work

This year, anything can happen before the New Year: an outflow of finance, a stock exchange crash, or a scandal with some coin. This will lead to a fall, and your entire “regularity” will go to hell. Or, conversely, something positive may happen and the price will rise, strengthening your belief in this mythical pattern.

Experiments to understand the meaninglessness of patterns

1. The Itchy Ear Experiment:

- The next time Bitcoin rises, pay attention to what happens to your body. For example, your ear itches.

- Write this down in your notebook.

- Next time your ear itches, open your chart. In some percentage of cases there will be growth at this moment. TA-dah! New pattern! 🧙‍♂️

2. Experiment "Historical graph":

- Open the Bitcoin daily chart.

- Look at the candles on the same day a year ago, two years ago, and so on. In a certain percentage of cases they will be similar.

- Hurray, another pattern! 🕵️‍♀️

Essence of the question

Stop believing in nonsense. Every rise or fall has real reasons. Patterns are just illusions that do not help you make informed decisions.

Cyclicity is not a pattern

There are indeed cycles in the market, just like in life. Financial markets alternate between bearish and bullish trends. But this cyclicality is due to specific reasons, and not to the time of year. The price of a coin changes due to certain events, and not because the calendar said “It’s time to grow!” 📆

So, guys, don't waste your time looking for magical patterns🚀

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