Both short-term transactions ended with the stop loss. It is normal to make mistakes in short-term transactions. There is no 100% accuracy in trading. It depends on the overall results.

Is the bull market still there? Should I leave or cover the position during the decline in the bull market?

I don’t know how many people are happy and how many are worried about the market in the past two days. More and more people think that the bull market is over, and more and more people are bearish.

The mainstream decline is smaller, and the copycat decline is larger, but overall, it is actually okay. The bloodiness of this bull market is more than before, so this bull market cannot be compared with the previous bull market. The environment of the currency circle is different, and the trend is also different.

The bloodier the degree of the wash, the more panic retail investors will have, and the less they dare to enter the market. It is obviously a bull market, but it washes out the feeling of a bear market, so many people think that the current is the tail of the bull market and the early stage of the bear market.

My opinion has never changed. It is currently a bull market. No matter how the wash is done, it cannot change the overall trend of the current bull market. Once the law is formed, it will not change.

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