ETH/USDT may fluctuate around $3,393.41 in the short term, with the short-term moving average showing some resistance. The medium-term moving averages show support near $3,496 to $3,507. Trading volume and MACD indicators show that the market momentum is weak, and it is necessary to pay attention to future changes in trading volume to judge market trends.

moving average

The short-term moving averages (MA(5) and MA(7)) show price resistance near $3,468.33 and $3,483.65. The medium-term moving averages (MA(14), MA(48), and MA(72)) are at $3,507.06, $3,496.63, and $3,499.62 respectively, indicating that the price has support in this area. The long-term moving average (MA(144)) is located at $3,308.19, indicating that the long-term trend remains upward.


Volume shows a significant increase in volume at the price high ($4,093.92), indicating that there was a lot of buying and selling activity at the high price, which usually means that there was profit taking by investors at the high, causing the price to fall back.

MACD indicator

The MACD indicator shows that both the DIF line and the DEA line are in the negative range, currently -34.79 and -6.63 respectively. The MACD histogram also shows negative changes, indicating that the market momentum is weak. There is currently no clear bull or bear trend in the market.