
The pancake is now trading sideways at around 63,000, while the alt market is generally sluggish?

First of all, the market's capital pool is not endless. The market value of new coins has soared so high that the focus of funds has been attracted to new coins, and the alt market has naturally been neglected.

In addition, the rise in US bond yields is like an attractive fruit, attracting funds to the US bond market. This traditional safe-haven asset has attracted a large amount of capital inflows with its stable returns, resulting in a gradual loss of funds in the cryptocurrency market, and the alt market is the first to bear the brunt.

Funds always pursue safer and more rewarding investment opportunities. When the risks of the alt market become increasingly prominent, funds begin to withdraw quietly and turn to more stable markets, such as US stocks. This migration and reconfiguration of funds will undoubtedly weaken the liquidity of the alt market and plunge it into a deeper downward vortex.

Behind the calmness of the pancake are the multiple difficulties faced by the alt market: the limited market funds, the attractiveness of the US bond market, and the pursuit of safe and stable investment by funds. These factors work together to make the copycat market sway in the wind and rain, while Dajianbing still holds its ground.

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