Two days away for #Decipher2024! We're right around the corner. @algodevs, here's a heads up on the technical workshops happening on Day 2: 🌐Just My Type(Script): The Full-Stack Web App on Algorand Learn about TypeScript integration and its application in blockchain development. 🐍 Snake Charming: Python Smart Contract Workshop @chriskim_devrel leads an in-depth workshop on Python smart contracts, perfect for developers aiming to enhance their blockchain development skills. 🔗AlgoKit Unchained: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Vengeance Altynbek Orumbayev presents AlgoKit's capabilities and its role in decentralized applications. 🔑Big Brains Club: Advanced Cryptography in the AVM @Astha_Yadav27 and @HMD2V explore advanced cryptography in Algorand's Virtual Machine, crucial for blockchain security. Don't miss out on these workshops designed to elevate your technical proficiency in blockchain tech.