#Doubler announced the DBR token economic model, with a total of 100 million. The distribution is as follows: 40% liquidity incentives, used to reward community users; 15% ecological funds, to incentivize partners and the community; 15% investors, 10% issued in TGE, locked for 3 months, and linearly vested in 24 months; 10% community, to incentivize early participants, 50% issued in TGE, and the remaining 50% issued in the third quarter; 10% core contributors, 0% issued in TGE, locked for 6 months, and linearly vested in 8 quarters; 5% consultants, 0% unlocked in TGE, locked for 6 months, and linearly vested in 24 months; 5% marketing and working capital, 10% issued in TGE, and linearly vested in 24 months. What do you think? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss! 👇