Many people claim that Bitcoin has fallen below the 120-day moving average, recommend clearing positions, and declare that the bull market is over.

But please listen to me.

The Bitcoin ETF has just been approved, and institutional investors have just entered the market.

It has only been two months since the Bitcoin halving, and the current price has not yet broken through the previous high.

The interest rate cut has not yet begun, and market funds have not yet poured in on a large scale. Currently, the market is only supported by existing funds and ETFs.

The altcoin market has not yet exploded, and some people claim that the bull market has ended.

If this is true, it cannot be called a bull market at all, but just a small fluctuation in the bull market.

Those who choose to clear positions now and sell Bitcoin, I can only say that it will be difficult for them to achieve anything in the future.

Any excellent project in front of them is difficult for them to cherish.

Their lives will continue to miss opportunities.

The key now is to hold firmly. Don't think too much, keep Bitcoin, and stay calm.

Those who have bought Bitcoin can relax, let it go for a while, enjoy life, don't check the market frequently, and communicate less with people in the currency circle.

This strategy is only suitable for those who cannot hold it, and it is the best choice for them.

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