Ultimatum! STFIL investors must present themselves with a "valid ID card" to explain the situation. The core encryption team was detained in April (from Coinsradar.net)

The STFIL official website rarely posted a Chinese public security announcement, which showed that the STFIL Protocol official website had been investigated by the Hanshou County Public Security Bureau of Hunan Province, reminding pledge and loan users to cooperate in reporting the situation in a timely manner and present themselves with a valid ID card before July 10.

The Hanshou County Public Security Bureau announced: "In the investigation of the 3.28 illegal use of information network case, our bureau investigated and dealt with the illegal website with the website address https://www.stfil.io, and seized a batch of FIL virtual currency involved in the case according to law."

"In order to find out the facts of the crime, please ask the pledge users and borrowers of the website to come to our bureau to report the situation and provide relevant evidence materials. The relevant matters are now announced as follows. 1. Please bring your valid ID card, relevant records of pledge or loan on the website, and relevant materials for purchasing FIL virtual currency."

"2. If the situation is not reported to our bureau within the time limit, the virtual currency will be disposed of according to law in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. 3. The announcement period is from June 10, 2024 to July 10, 2024."

It was previously reported in April that STFIL disclosed that its core technical team was under investigation by the Chinese police, during which abnormal funds transfers occurred on the platform.

As of now, STFIL's official Twitter account still pins information related to the Chinese investigation, which reads: "We believe that the STFIL core technical team is under investigation by the local Chinese police. We understand that lawyers have been hired to understand the current situation and provide legal assistance to the detained individuals. When the core technical team was detained, as many of you have seen, the FIL on the STFIL platform was transferred to an unknown external address. In addition, in the past few days, the protocol has undergone abnormal and unplanned upgrades. Funds were transferred to other addresses."

"The team is actively seeking help. We hope that the community can help track this unknown address and discuss how to protect the interests of stakeholders," the team pointed out.

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