AI can also be a love coach

Mr. Wang, 32 years old, is still single. Recently, he finally met the person he likes in the workplace. Mr. Wang wants to take the next step.

He has no experience in love and needs advice from others, but his friends are either frivolous playboys or already married with children and have no time to listen to Mr. Wang's emotional troubles. At his wits end, Mr. Wang decided to try a new approach, which was to seek advice from AI.

That's right, AI is not only a good helper at work, but can now also guide humans on "how to make friends."

An AI dating assistant app "RIZZ.AI" that costs US$9.99 per month. Recently it has become popular among Chinese users. According to "Decrypt" reports, RIZZ.AI can simulate a dating environment, allowing users to practice communication skills and reduce the risk of saying the wrong thing or causing embarrassment during a real-life date.

"Decrypt" reporters said after the trial that RIZZ.AI will present the dating pressure in the real world in a limited-time interactive manner, forcing users to think and respond quickly.

For example, when the AI ​​asks the user "How was your day today", if the user only answers "Well, it's okay, about the same as usual, um... (while thinking about what topic to chat about next)" the AI It will quickly respond "Well, it seems that you are not a good talker... How embarrassing." Give the user a heavy blow.

However, the "Decrypt" reporter said that after multiple interactions, RIZZ.AI's evaluation system will detect the context and give suggestions. For example, if the user is too reserved when interacting with the AI, the AI ​​will suggest that they should be more direct, and when the user becomes bolder in subsequent interactions, the AI ​​will provide encouragement.

RIZZ.AI’s rigorous training is not without reason. After all, the official wrote on X: “Speech is like a muscle, so should it be trained like a muscle?”


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AI love coaching is popular with China’s young generation

There are more and more AI love coaching programs on the market, such as Meeno, which provides relationship advice, and Simulated Date Coach, which is trained with a GPT model. There are also many other apps named "RIZZ". (Rizz is the abbreviation of "charisma", which means someone is attractive or charming. It is a popular term among Generation Z)

You may be wondering, does anyone really need this kind of app?

According to a survey by AI dating tool AttractionTruth, 20% of heterosexual men globally have begun using AI to enhance their online dating experience. In addition, a report from the dating website OkCupid shows that users who have a positive view of ChatGPT have received nearly 40% more matches than users who are skeptical of the technology because they can make fuller use of AI to enhance interaction and The pairing process.


In fact, the South China Morning Post recently reported that young Chinese people who are socially awkward and single for a long time are also actively using AI relationship coaches to improve their dating skills.

A 2023 China Youth Daily Social Survey Center report shows that young people generally lack social skills and find it difficult to step out of their comfort zones and make friends. Of the more than 2,000 singles surveyed, 60% said they had fewer than two close friends. And through apps like RIZZ.AI, nervous young people can interact with AI characters in virtual situations and learn how to deal with various dating scenarios.

"Business Insider" explains that while Chinese society is seeking the assistance of AI love coaches, the country's marriage and fertility rates are in sharp decline. In the first three months of 2024, China's marriage rate dropped by 8.2% compared with the same period last year. . The government has also successively implemented policies such as providing cash incentives for childbirth and additional paid marriage leave, hoping to increase marriage and fertility rates.

AI has brought new opportunities to the new generation of young people who are accustomed to being immersed in the digital world and are not good at real-life interactions. However, even if AI can improve social skills and self-confidence, we must pay attention to the counter-effects caused by over-reliance, which in disguise limits users’ ability to interact in the real world. In life, accumulate practical social experience points.

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  • This article is reproduced with permission from: "Web3+"