The recent decline and shock have undoubtedly touched the hearts of countless people.

As the ancients said:

"When the mountains are high and the waters are deep, there seems to be no way out, but when the willows are dark and the flowers are bright, there is another village."

Behind this seemingly chaotic market, there is actually an opportunity for reversal.

At present, the trend of BTC seems to have entered a self-reshaping cycle.

It no longer rises or falls in a straight line as in the past, but wanders in the market in a more complex and elusive way.

This trend has confused many people, and some even began to doubt the future of BTC.

However, it is this uncertainty that provides opportunities for those far-sighted and patient investors.

Looking back at history, we will find that every major adjustment of BTC is accompanied by a deep reshuffle of the market and the emergence of bubble problems.

In these seemingly desperate moments, BTC is often the beginning of a new life.

As the rice planting song says: "Put the green rice seedlings in the field, and look down to see the sky in the water."

For the current BTC market, we can compare it to a marathon.

In this game, short-term lead or lag is not important, what matters is who can hold on to the end.

Similarly, in the currency market, short-term ups and downs cannot represent long-term trends.

Only those investors who can stick to it for a long time and wait patiently can finally reap the fruits of victory.

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