
ZK market analysis

The current 4-hour level market of ZK shows a bearish trend, which means that the overall market direction is bearish. #MicroStrategy增持BTC

You can go to the 1-hour level to find the short-side buy signal, that is, the purple dot.

Pay close attention to the 0.1667 position on the 1-hour level. Failure to effectively break through the long and short price of the 1-hour level, #美国PCE数据将公布 #币安合约锦标赛

Wait for the purple dot, that is, the short-side buy signal, to appear and close. This will be a good time for the short side to enter the market. #CryptoTradingGuide $BTC $ZK $ETH

The support level is roughly around 0.1637 and 0.1593.

If the price unexpectedly breaks through the 1-hour level of long and short prices, then the long opportunity will gradually emerge.

At this time, we need to pay attention to the pressure level, which is roughly around 0.1697 and 0.1732.