The current market is really difficult. After BTC passed the ETF, it has a sense of overcapacity, and it will take time to digest the stock.

The initial staged rise exceeded everyone's expectations. No one expected that BTC could break through the new high in a short time, resulting in a large number of investors missing out on BTC, with a lot of copycats but no rise. This is an indisputable fact, which can be seen from the URPD data of BTC.

Another more realistic point is that from the data point of view, it is indeed a bear market data.

And it has been nearly two months.

However, due to the support of spot ETF, some funds have been driven in. From the data point of view, more than 900,000 BTC have been bought. Now the liquidity of the entire market is 3.3 million BTC, accounting for more than 27%. The turnover rate is not bad, and the liquidity is OK.

The next second half of the year is destined to be extraordinary, with many slots and many positives, such as the effect of the halving cycle. This year will at least enter the interest rate cut stage, the US election (if the Republicans come to power, it will be more or less good for the currency market), and the FASB at the end of the year. There should be opportunities in the fourth quarter.

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