Wu said that he learned that the founder of Little Ghost, Sleepy, tweeted to share a fraud incident he encountered, which is suspected to be related to a fraud incident that occurred in May this year. The scammer invited him to be the Asian host of a fund in a private message. The other party’s Twitter account does exist on the "Team" page of its fund’s official website, and the official website link also points to the scammer’s Twitter homepage. Afterwards, the other party sent a video conference appointment link, but was asked to download the software when obtaining the meeting link. Further investigation found that this fund has not had any activities in the past year, and the relevant Twitter account has only forwarded content. It is recommended that the project party update the official website information in a timely manner to prevent fraud under the banner. Earlier in May, Twitter user Dave’s cryptocurrency and NFT were stolen, with a loss of approximately US$40,000.