It is very difficult to trade in the market this quarter, so you can only lie down and do nothing.

The more you struggle, the more you lose.

Some people say that they made 20 million yuan in this period.

So, it is my fault, not the bad market, right?

But, looking at the bull market from 23 years to now, how many people have stood out?

You hope you are one of them, but you are not.

Most of us ordinary people can only follow the big trend and make some money.

Don’t think about how awesome you are, and you can easily get millions or tens of millions by double-killing long and short positions.

How can there be so many chosen ones?

The last chosen one, Liang Xi, has already been in prison.

Can we be down-to-earth?

Let’s make some money from the trend in a stable way!

I have friends who do ultra-short-term trading. They make an average of 5,000 to 6,000 yuan a day in a bull market and 1,000 to 2,000 yuan in a bear market. They are always making money.

But people like them, such as Langshen and Hongshen, are rare.

It's just that you are not them.

Know the market, know yourself, and be more self-aware.

Of course, it is because of these legendary stories that there is a constant flow of fresh blood into this market.

The cycle rotates, just live, and the survivors are the kings.