Is ETH plotting again?

I have to admit that Sun Ge has a long-term vision, no wonder he has achieved what he has today;

Sun Ge once again bought a large amount of ETH. He has bought 13,967 ETH from 6.21 to 6.24. Since December 2023, Sun Ge has held a total of 410,066 ETH, with a total value of 1.4 billion US dollars and an average purchase price of 3,015 US dollars.

Sun Ge's operation has made it clear that he is confident in the increase of Ethereum. Whether this move can stimulate the market's buying sentiment, the current market situation is a great test for investors' mentality; Chuang Ge suggests that if you plan to hold Ethereum for a long time, it is indeed a good time to enter the market, but judging from the current market situation, I predict that it will still have a slight downward trend in the short term, and it is recommended to enter the market in batches;

💪 If you are interested in ETH, or have any questions about digital currency investment, you can join the team of experts by looking at Diantouxiang; come and communicate with me. I will do my best to lead you through the ups and downs of the market and find your investment path.

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