FIL project owner arrested?


Hunan Hanshou Public Security reminds STFIL Protocol pledge and lending users to promptly cooperate and report the situation

According to the official announcement of STFIL Protocol, the LSD protocol STFIL Protocol of Filecoin ecosystem was involved in the "3.28" illegal use of information network case. The official website of STFIL Protocol has been investigated and dealt with by the Hanshou County Public Security Bureau of Hunan Province, and a batch of FIL virtual coins involved in the case have been seized in accordance with the law.

The announcement requires the pledge users and lending users of the website to bring valid identity documents and relevant records to the Hanshou County Public Security Bureau to report the situation and provide evidence materials before July 10, 2024. Virtual coins that fail to report the situation after the deadline will be disposed of in accordance with the law.