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Bull market - the bloodiest meat grinder

Every round of bull market has almost the same ending, the only difference is the new sky-cutting method, which ultimately achieves the goal of capital whales and others - harvesting.

At the same time, each round will be full of various tragic stories. This group member is not a member of the silent group, but also an old leeks who came in 2018. People come to ask for advice, and I have to briefly talk about it. The final outcome is that I almost lost everything before the bull market and took on a large debt. The amount of loans is almost all warehoused in a meme issued by a large project

The fundamental reason for this situation is the management of positions. Here are a few points

1. It is forbidden to all-in any local dog cottage coins (it will really let you enter the factory)

2. There must be a position for large coins

3. Cutting meat or liquidating does not mean losing

4. Listen to people's advice and eat a full meal

The fundamental reason for losing less in a bear market is that you can't see hope. The bull market is where you can really lose a lot of money. For people with strong trading ability, the overall floating profit of their positions must be above 100%. The reason is very simple. The pie has increased from 1.5 to 7.

At this stage, the word "wait" depends too much on the trader's skills.

ps: Can you recommend a good summer resort?