Just after saying that there was no support below $BTC last night, BTC started to fall last night. Lao Deng has experienced every wave of this wave from 72144.

This sideways fluctuation over the weekend is not stabilization, but there is no trading over the weekend. Before Monday started, the market was shrouded in a falling atmosphere! Lao Deng predicts that this wave of decline will fall by at least 1,000 points, so this position is very awkward. The short position is at most 61,500, and there is no rebound for long positions. Moreover, this position is also facing many variables. The biggest one is the ETH spot sell-off caused by the landing of ETF. Lao Deng also said that the landing of this ETF does not mean good news. It can only be said that ETH will have an additional trading direction, and the bigger one is the sell-off and short-selling of the big sharks. So why has Lao Deng been shorting this month?

Lao Deng’s current suggestion is to continue to short in small amounts, around 64,500, don’t be greedy, and control the position to about one-tenth, so that you can grasp the market changes regardless of long or short!

#热门话题 #BTC走势预测 #BTC翻倍之路