Bitcoin: 5 signs that could cause the price to collapse? Surprising revelation!

Is the Bitcoin market in the balance? 5 worrying signs suggest a possible price collapse.

According to an in-depth analysis, several factors point to a potential decline in the value of Bitcoin:

* Decrease in active users: The network has seen a steady decline in active users since the beginning of the year.

* Low on-chain activity: Active transactions and addresses are declining, showing less interest in Bitcoin.

* Google searches nosedive: Online interest in Bitcoin has dropped significantly since March.

* “Whale” inactivity: Large Bitcoin holders are not making major trades, suggesting uncertainty.

* Difficulty for miners: Miners' profits halved after the April halving, prompting some to sell their Bitcoin.

But there's a twist! The price may not collapse completely, and these signals could just be a sign of market consolidation.

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