Through the previous article, everyone should know that you can get points by signing in. This article will talk about the official website points! ! !

First, we open the REVOX points activity in the Binance web3 wallet and scroll down to find the daily sign-in section!

Click "Experience RWVOX Lense" and click REWARD.

Then click GO to go to the credit claim page. Here is an explanation of the function of this battery. This battery can be used to unlock analysis tokens daily. The daily limit is 20. If it is used up, you can wait 9 hours and 30 minutes to claim again!

After claiming, return to REWARD and click on Analyze Token Tasks

After clicking, you will be brought to this page. The ones that say "Analysis" are already analyzed and have no effect on you. You need to click on the ones that are locked and click "Analysis (Credits)"

After clicking, return to REWARD and click claim (I circled it here) to get the points.

After you click claim, the 200 points will appear in your account. There are also many analysis token point rewards below. You can claim once every 9 hours and 30 minutes, and then conduct token analysis.

Extended part: You can choose not to read the following paragraph. If you have enough points and are interested, you can take a look. This is a hidden point bonus. If you own the "ReadON Catto" NFT, you can get 60% more points reward.

But please note that the premise is that you have enough points, invite enough friends, and think that 0.2ETH is a drop in the bucket for you, then you can consider buying it, otherwise just do the official website tasks above. If you can't open it on your mobile phone, you can use a tablet or computer to open it! Have a good weekend everyone!

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