Revealing the secrets of soaring prices in the US: How to deal with a 100 yuan sandwich?

In the United States, the phenomenon of soaring prices to the first tier in the world has attracted widespread attention.

This phenomenon is particularly shocking as a small sandwich of more than ten centimeters costs as much as 100 yuan.

Faced with such high prices, many people living in the United States and readers who are interested in overseas living and consumption levels feel the pressure.

So, how to deal with this situation?

We need to understand why prices are soaring in the United States.

After the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, the US government flooded the market with money, printed dollars indiscriminately, and gave money to Americans, causing currency flooding.

At the same time, the United States fanned the flames of the Russo-Ukrainian war and imposed sanctions on Russia, causing natural gas, oil, and mineral prices to soar, which backfired on the United States and imported inflation into the United States.

In addition, the US government was slow to respond to inflation, and when the problem became serious, it raised interest rates excessively, having raised rates six times this year.

These are the core reasons for the soaring prices in the United States.

For ordinary people, we cannot change these macroeconomic policies; but we can change our consumption habits and lifestyles to better adapt to this high-price life.

Here are some practical ways to cope:

1. Compare prices when shopping: Before buying any product, compare prices in different stores or online platforms and choose the product with the best value for money.

2. Make a budget: Make a reasonable consumption budget based on your income and avoid overspending.

3. Save energy: The rising prices of electricity and gas have also brought pressure to people's lives.

Therefore, try to save energy as much as possible, such as turning off unnecessary electrical appliances, using air conditioners reasonably, etc.

4. Cook your own meals: The cost of eating out is often high, and cooking your own meals can significantly save on food expenses.

5. Choose public transportation: If conditions permit, choose public transportation instead of driving a private car to save gasoline costs.

6. Shopping in the second-hand market: For some items that are not used frequently, you can choose to buy them in the second-hand market. The price is usually much cheaper than brand new items.

7. Learn financial management: Investing in some financial products, such as stocks, funds, etc., can help you increase your income and fight inflation.

8. Find additional sources of income: If possible, find a part-time job or start some personal business to increase your income source.

Faced with the current situation of soaring prices in the United States, we cannot change the external environment, but we can better cope with this high-price life by changing our consumption habits and lifestyles.

At the same time, paying attention to new perspectives and new information about life overseas can also help us better understand and adapt to this situation.