The Shanzhai experience was halved in April, just took a breath in May, and halved again in June. The coins that are still rising in the market are a small number of strong coins and hot coins, so it is very important to screen coins. All opportunities are encountered on the road of your all-out efforts.

It is never easy to make money in the currency circle. Entering this circle to do transactions, there are two points to do a good job of risk management and trading mentality adjustment. If you do it well, you will not get rich overnight, but at least you will be better than 80% of people. If you can't stand the fluctuation of the market, it is recommended not to play anymore, which means you are not suitable for the t+0 trading market.

The current market is considered to have entered the wash stage. When most people think that the bull market is coming, then you should pay attention at this time: buy when no one cares, and sell when there is a lot of noise.

At this time point, Shanzhai has fallen again and again, and the market panic index is getting higher and higher. Things are reversed at the extreme, and the dog dealer has achieved his goal, and those who should get off have all gotten off.

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