It is not surprising that Binance has recently become the focus of the market, as projects on other first-tier exchanges seem to be losing their luster. In the current market cycle, there is a clear lack of first-tier exchange camps, which is a major challenge facing the entire industry. Once regarded as the first-tier exchange with the most wealth-making ability, Binance is now the only one that is struggling to maintain its position, and Binance is steadily advancing its wealth-making ecosystem, which makes everyone's attention to its listings unprecedentedly high. #币安用户数突破2亿

Binance is currently going all out to promote the listing of new projects, and their efforts make this process more eye-catching. For those small projects, especially those that lack top venture capital support, it is not easy to enter Binance, and they often choose second-tier exchanges or decentralized exchanges (DEX) as another route for development. Although these projects may not play a major role at the top of the market, they are by no means hopeless.

As market liquidity improves, more and more people will choose to look for opportunities on different trading platforms, just as some people will turn to more open forms of gambling due to the limitations of traditional markets. Even those small projects that initially only have a one-person team can still attract a lot of attention, which is the charm of the cryptocurrency circle - the key is that it motivates people to pursue wealth while providing new users with opportunities to learn and grow.

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