- Let's talk about cross-chain bridge

Because #LayerZero is quite popular recently, I am also writing a cross-chain bridge business project. I have been stuck for a few days and have no idea. It's not because it's difficult, but because it's too simple

These tracks with simple business logic basically understand the underlying business, and the subsequent projects can be understood quickly

Two months ago, a friend asked me to take a look at a BTC L2, but after I finished reading it, it was a patchwork of bridge logic🔺

After I produced a research report on BTC L2, I realized that using BitVM is actually better

Simply using cross-chain encapsulation to achieve the purpose of expansion is really not very native...

In fact, there are many sectors with simple business logic, such as DEX. This is the same as sales work. Low thresholds also mean fierce competition. The industry cannot do without DEX, and 99% of companies cannot do without sales.

For a single bridge scenario, the rigid demand is weaker than the former, so it is not enough to just build a bridge. The role of a "construction team" such as helping others build bridges is different. Although it cannot be called a guaranteed income, it is also an upgrade of business logic, and the valuation logic is far better than just a bridge.

📍Attached picture: Chat record with a blogger I met on Twitter yesterday. Although I usually say that I don’t care about other people’s eyes, I can’t help but be happy when others really praise me~

If you want to make a living, you have to earn your own reputation😂