Odaily Planet Daily News EigenDA published a post on X stating that rollups currently on the mainnet can use EigenDA for free, and all rollups are welcome to publish blobs to EigenDA on the Ethereum mainnet. To prevent witch/DDoS attacks on the free layer, the team has deployed a whitelist authenticated by IP or ETH address ECDSA. The free permissionless layer is currently 6 blobs of 128KB per batch, a total of 768KB every 10 minutes, but partners can work with EigenDA to seek to increase this indicator. In contrast, EigenDA's free layer throughput exceeds the throughput used by the most commonly used rollups on Ethereum today (for example, Base publishes less than 1 blob every 10 minutes). Officials said that it is working on enabling permissionless payment for blob throughput on EigenDA, which will be released later this year. When the system is launched, EigenDA still provides reserved bandwidth for high-throughput use cases at a fixed rate. EigenDA currently generates 0.6 MB/s of synthetic load continuously and has run load tests on mainnet with peak throughput up to 10 MB/s. In comparison, Ethereum's 4844 blob throughput is 0.032 MB/s and Celestia mainnet is 1/6 MB/s.