Those who are really rich in virtual currency are very low-key and never show off.

Some people may not even want to let people around them know that they are investing in cryptocurrency. If someone around you or in your circle of friends brags about how much money they have made every day, then please be aware: he must be a liar.

I have to say it three times: it’s a liar, it’s a liar, it’s a liar.

There are only two kinds of people in this world who like to show off their wealth. One kind is a fool, and the other kind is a liar. Excluding the first kind, the rest are the second kind.

Put yourself in their shoes. If you make a lot of money by investing in virtual currency, what do you need to do most now? It is to enjoy the money quietly by yourself, instead of shouting to the world, "I made money, I have money", unless you have a problem with your brain.

Those who really show off their money-making in the cryptocurrency circle, regardless of whether they are really rich or not, all have ulterior motives.

There are a large number of scammers active on major Internet platforms, and Zhihu is the hardest hit area. Countless scammers find friends who invest in virtual currency on the platform.

Get in touch through private chat or other means, then add WeChat, and then make various assurances that they will not disturb you, etc., just chat like friends, and brag about how much resources and abilities they have in the cryptocurrency circle, and ask you to contact them if you need anything.

Package yourself as an expert who knows everything. Many newbies are already confused when they first enter the cryptocurrency circle. In this case, most of them will add a friend, thinking that they will have a channel to ask questions in the future if they don’t understand something.

So basically everyone will add a WeChat friend.

Once you add a WeChat friend, you are basically hooked, because he will occasionally chat with you, brag about your popularity, and then post various screenshots and cases of making money on WeChat Moments every day.

When you see the news for the first time, you can hold back, but when you see it too many times, you will basically be brainwashed out of curiosity and will take the initiative to ask him how to make money.

At this point, you can basically declare: In a park in northern Myanmar, a supervisor stood behind a young man with a belt and praised him, "You are awesome!" This order is completed and we can celebrate directly.

Basically, he will tell you about his various resources and ways to make money and continue to brainwash you. In fact, he may not even understand what he is saying. He just copies and pastes the ready-made texts.

Under his guidance, he will let you join the game according to the following steps:

In the first step, he will ask you to register on EURAY or Binance Exchange. These exchanges are formal and their purpose is to exchange your cash for USDT.

The second step is to claim that the returns on OUYE or Binance are too low, that a certain platform has a very high commission for each transaction, and that even stable financial management returns are as high as more than 10 points.

The third step is to give you a link to recommend a new exchange and tell you that this is an exchange built by wealthy countries such as the United Kingdom or the United Arab Emirates, and that these exchanges can be found through non-small accounts and are absolutely formal exchanges. After verification, you find that it is indeed a formal exchange.

In the fourth step, you will transfer your U to this new exchange, and at this step the real scam has just begun.

In the fifth step, he will lead you to place orders and make money. You will find that it is really easy to make money, and almost every order makes money. So you worship him as a god and respect his words as if they were imperial decrees. After all, people who can lead you to make money are your ancestors.

In the sixth step, he will tell you at a certain point in time that there is an order that will definitely make a lot of money, but there is a capital threshold limit, and investors with at least 30,000 or 50,000 U (depending on your actual capital situation) in your account are eligible to participate. At this time, your money is definitely not enough, but in order to get rich, you will continue to recharge your wife's money.

The seventh step, after you participate, you will find that the funds in your account have almost accumulated to the point where you can withdraw. At this time, you will choose to cash out part of it to enjoy life, but you will find that you can’t cash out at all. He will tell you that your capital limit is not enough and you must reach the maximum amount of funds to unlock the cash out.

Step 8. At this point you have actually begun to doubt whether there is a problem, but you have already invested hundreds of thousands, and you only need tens of thousands to cash out millions. At this time, you will choose to take a gamble and continue to recharge money to meet the conditions.

In the ninth step, when you start to cash out, you will be told that you need to pay an 18% handling fee, which cannot be deducted from the money in your account. That is to say, if you have millions of dollars in your account, you need to pay hundreds of thousands more to activate your account. At this point, you are stuck in a dilemma, as all your money has already been invested. What should you do?

At this point, smart people should know that they have been cheated, so they choose to call the police or other means to stop the loss in time, but some people will choose to continue, what if they can really cash out? After all, they have nothing now, so they might as well take a gamble.

In the tenth step, when you continue to borrow money from major platforms, you will be informed again that the handling fee does not meet the standard and you need to recharge again, and the cycle will continue over and over again.


When you finally realize it, many people have been defrauded of millions and are heavily in debt. I met too many such poor people in the last bull market cycle. In reality, they may not even be willing to eat a bowl of Liuzhou snail noodles, but they unknowingly shouldered millions of debts and fell into darkness...

Of course I would call the police, but the police would clearly tell me not to hold out hope, especially since the money in the cryptocurrency world is impossible to track or recover.

This is the experience of many friends who have been cheated in the cryptocurrency circle. Although the details are different, the general routine is the same. Of course, the scammers’ routine will be upgraded.

Generally speaking, these scammers on Zhihu are all rookie accounts. These accounts are not authenticated by real names, and they are not the big accounts that update content for a long time. Because they do a little work and then leave, it is impossible for them to be authenticated by real names, and the official Zhihu does not know who they are.

I have another question: Why can we find the information of these fraudulent exchanges on a formal information platform like Feixiaohao?

There are several situations:

First, the exchange is being trapped;

Second, the exchange is in cahoots with the scammers;

No matter what the situation is, the solution is tragic. This is why Lao Zhong has always not recommended everyone to use small exchanges. He only recommends Ouyi and Binance, these two leading exchanges. You will not be deceived. Even if funds are stolen, the exchange will pay in full.

I hope that the friends who read this article will never be cheated. You can admit the loss, but it is really uncomfortable to be cheated. #币安合约锦标赛