You are your own noble person.

How much wealth you have depends on your value.

Any interaction is equal. Any exchange must comply with the laws of economics...

If you cannot create value for others, no matter how good the relationship is, it will not be deep. Where the money is, the people are there, the heart is there, and the strong attract the strong...

If you are not strong, even if you kneel down and lick others, they will think you are not clean enough. As long as you can improve the people and things around you, the fittest will naturally survive and match you with people and things of higher levels. How can you force it? It is a waste of time to look at it more...

After saying the above paragraph, I just want to say that the currency circle can overtake on the curve, but it cannot be lightly entered. (Self-precipitation)

After you enter the right circle, what you need to do next is to follow the right people and do the right things until you get the results.

This world does not give many opportunities to everyone.

Everyone, take care of yourself!