#币安挖矿 #PRIVASEA #挖矿 #撸毛攻略

Gold medal 🥇 Oak invested by Binance, OE and Sesame, RootData has soared to second place in popularity in one week after its launch 🥈, big brands follow each other on Twitter $ETH $BTC $SOL The strategy is as follows:

1. Copy the link to the browser to open the download APP;


2. Invitation code yJrhnE9 (both parties get 100 Genesis Stars)

3. Click Got it to create an account and click local storage backup private key (please save the private key manually, if you lose it, you cannot recover the account. Please note that the picture below is a screenshot of my early beta version, and the button may be slightly different from the official version)

4. Click Go to enter the homepage and deposit 0.03SOL (the threshold for applying for NFT is 0.025SOL, about 4U, if you don’t have SOL, prepare it first) Use the Euro Exchange to transfer sol, the handling fee is the lowest

5. Perform face verification and Mint NFT;

6. After applying for NFT, you can go to claim the early bird reward (an additional 100 Genesis Stars, increasing the airdrop weight)