Issuing your own Memecoin could be a life-changing opportunity. With just one unique idea, you can turn $1,000 into seven figures. Here’s how.

Profit method

Many people make money by buying, selling or sniping Memecoin, which is a good way. But a better way is to issue your own Memecoin, which is not only more profitable, but also less risky, but more responsible.

Creativity is the key

When issuing Memecoin, the most important thing is creativity. I usually get inspiration from platforms such as X (formerly Twitter), YouTube, TikTok, Pinterest, etc. Your creativity does not need to be unique or special, just funny and cute, these are the most important factors.

Checking existing tokens

Next, you need to confirm if the selected Memecoin has already been issued by someone. I check this through dexscreener or Birdeye. For example, you want to issue a token called EYEBRWCAT (similar to The Rock's eyebrow movement). If you can't find this token, congratulations, you have found a treasure.

Build social media

Create your social media and dedicated Memecoin pages. Build your community on X and Telegram, which are the main platforms for Memecoin. You can launch a pre-sale on these platforms.

Token Creation Guide

1. Create Tokens 1/3

- Visit

- Enter the name and symbol of the token

- Select Image

- Set the number of decimal places and supply (e.g. 6 decimal places and 1 billion tokens)

- Fill in description (social media and token details)

2. Create Tokens 2/3

- Disable freeze and undo casting features

- Revoke freezing permissions/remove token freeze from liquidity pool

- Revoke minting privileges/stop minting after total supply to ensure buyer safety

3. Create Tokens 3/3

- Revoke minting permissions to ensure that tokens exceeding the total supply are no longer minted, providing buyers with a sense of security

Market creation

How do we create an open market for our token?

- We will set the minimum purchase amount to 100, the supply to 1 billion tokens, and the minimum price adjustment to 0.00000001.

- Provide more detailed information for different token supplies.

advanced options

To easily achieve a market valuation of $1-2 million, choosing the 1.5 SOL option is optimal. Here are some cost-effective strategies:

- 0.4 SOL: Event queue: 128, Request queue: 63, Order book: 201

- 1.5 SOL: Event queue: 1400, Request queue: 63, Order book: 450

- 2.8 SOL: Event queue: 2978, Request queue: 63, Order book: 909

Minimum Order Size and Guidelines

- With a supply of 100,000 units, the minimum order allowed is 0.01 and the incremental change is set to 0.0001.

Flow Cell Introduction

Building a solid token economy and key details is key to success, aiming for at least $2-5k in liquidity. While many snipers may try to attack your liquidity, increasing liquidity can reduce their impact.

Setting up a flow pool

Once you figure out the token economics, you can schedule and issue tokens. After that, you control everything from adjustments to withdrawals from liquidity pools.

Burning Liquidity

- Visit

- Select the tokens to burn

- Start burning


Marketing is key, even with top ideas and perfect execution, bad marketing can make a token fail. Spread the word as widely as possible - work with influencers, participate in Telegram communities, etc.

By following this detailed guide, you can successfully issue your own Memecoin and have a chance to make $100,000 in a single day. Good luck!