Core is a Turing-complete blockchain that leverages the BTC mining hashrate and the ETH Virtual Machine (EVM). Its consensus mechanism, Satoshi Plus, uses a protocol-driven validator election mechanism that combines the best features of Proof of Work (PoW) and Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) to ensure maximum security, scalability, and decentralization.


Canadian DeFi Technologies became a verification node on the CORE chain and pledged 1,498 BTC, participated in BTC non-custodial staking and received rewards from Core's consensus mechanism. In addition, its private subsidiary Valour and CORE chain jointly launched the world's first income-based BTC ETP.

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Why recommended?

On June 12, I pledged 149U on COREDAO and received 16.6ZRO in less than 10 days. I sold 54.28U at the price of 3.27.


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