Do you know how terrible it is to have a 200x leverage?

For example, if you use 10,000 to open a 200x leverage, it is equivalent to betting 2 million, not 10,000.

If it goes up by 1%, you will win 20,000 directly.

If it goes up by 10%, you will win 200,000 directly.

If it goes up by 100%, you will win 2 million directly.

What else do you need? Isn't it terrible? Haha

If you ask me, what if it falls? Do you have to pay so much? Will you owe money?

Let me answer your question. It seems that you should pay so much. But it is certain that you will not owe money.

Because if you want to use 10,000 to open a 200x leverage, you must have enough capital to counter the risk.

For example, if you have 100,000, and you use 10,000 to open a 200x leverage, then the remaining 90,000 is used to counter the risk. As long as it falls by 0.5%, your 100,000 will be gone, and you will quit the game directly after paying. So there will be no time to owe money, this is the so-called explosion game. If you encounter this situation, if you are not brave enough, just choose a good rooftop. [Cover face]

Similarly, if it rises by 0.5%, you win 100,000, and you will have 200,000 in an instant
