#币安合约锦标赛 #MegadropLista #CryptoTradingGuide

If the cryptocurrency market has another big earthquake like 519, would you dare to buy at the bottom?

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Some people in the cryptocurrency market often say: "One day in the cryptocurrency market is ten years in the human world"

Think that the money in the cryptocurrency market is too easy to make, and traditional industries cannot make money so quickly! Here I also advise everyone: investment is risky, and you must be cautious when entering the market!

1. Do not borrow money to participate in cryptocurrency speculation, and do not sell your house or car to speculate in cryptocurrency

2. If you are not a professional player, try not to touch the contract and do not add leverage!

3. Stop when you are ahead! Put the money in your pocket! Eliminate the gambling mentality in cryptocurrency speculation

4. Do not blindly listen to others and buy a bunch of local dogs. Focus on value investment