What is Measurable Data Token (MDT)?

Measurable Data Token (MDT) is a decentralized data ecosystem designed to provide data rewards to individual users while accelerating its adoption through innovation in blockchain technology. The MDT token is an ERC-20 based token used as a medium of exchange for data product access and user rewards programs.

The AI ​​craze and MDT performance in 2023

In 2023, with the artificial intelligence (AI) craze set off by ChatGPT, the price of MDT rose significantly, successfully attracting the attention of a large number of investors. This phenomenon highlights the potential of combining blockchain and AI technologies and makes MDT a focus in the market.

Technical advantages of MDT

MDT's technical architecture is based on the Ethereum blockchain, which provides it with reliable security and scalability. The MDT platform ensures the transparency and non-tamperability of data transactions through blockchain technology, while utilizing smart contracts to achieve automated and efficient distribution of data rewards.

MDT’s Value Proposition

MDT’s value proposition lies in its innovative data economic model. Users can receive MDT rewards by sharing their data, while data demanders can pay MDT to obtain high-quality data sets. This model not only encourages individual users to participate in data sharing, but also provides a reliable data source for data demanders.

MDT Price Forecast (2023-2030)

Based on current market trends and technological development, the price prediction of MDT in the next few years is as follows:

  1. 2023-2024: As AI technology continues to advance and blockchain applications expand, demand for MDT is expected to grow further and prices are likely to maintain a steady upward trend.

  2. 2025-2026: With the emergence of more data-driven applications, MDT's ecosystem will become more mature and its market value is expected to increase significantly.

  3. 2027-2030: If MDX can continue to innovate and maintain its technological advantages, its price is expected to continue to rise and become an important player in the data economy.

What is Measurable Data Token (MDT)?

Measurable Data Token (MDT) is an innovative platform based on blockchain technology that aims to provide a secure, transparent and decentralized way to exchange data. Through MDT, individuals can monetize their data by selling it to companies, researchers, and other data consumers. The goal of this ecosystem is to create a fairer data economy where individuals retain control over their data and receive the rewards they deserve for its use.

MDT’s Value Proposition

The core value of MDT lies in its innovation of the data economic model. The traditional data economic model is often dominated by large technology companies, and personal data is often collected and used for free, with individuals rarely benefiting from it. MDT uses blockchain technology to decentralize data transactions, ensuring the transparency and security of data transactions, so that every data contributor can receive fair remuneration.

Technical features of MDT

  1. Blockchain Technology: Leveraging the immutability and transparency of blockchain, MDT ensures that all data transactions are public and verifiable.

  2. Smart Contract: Smart contracts automatically execute data transactions and reward distribution without the need for third-party intervention, increasing transaction efficiency and trust.

  3. Data Monetization: Individuals can choose to sell their data, thereby directly benefiting from the use of the data rather than just being a passive data provider.

Market prospects of MDT

As data becomes a critical resource in the modern economy, the need for secure and fair ways to trade data continues to grow. MDT not only meets this need through an innovative data economic model, but also provides new revenue sources for data contributors. This model has attracted a lot of investor attention and is expected to achieve rapid growth in the coming years.
How MDT coin works

The Measurable Data Token (MDT) ecosystem operates through blockchain technology, ensuring the security and transparency of data transactions. Here are the core principles of how it works:

1. Blockchain technology

The MDT platform relies on blockchain technology, a decentralized and immutable distributed ledger technology. All data transactions are recorded on the blockchain, ensuring transparency and traceability. This technical architecture makes transactions between data providers and data consumers more trustworthy and secure.

2. Smart Contracts

MDT uses smart contracts to automate and manage data transactions. Smart contracts are automated programs deployed on the blockchain that automatically perform predetermined operations when specific conditions are met. These contracts ensure that data providers can receive corresponding MDT token rewards immediately after providing data, and data consumers can also ensure that the data they purchase is eligible.

3. Data Monetization

The MDT platform allows individuals to monetize their data. Data providers can be rewarded with MDT tokens by selling their data to companies, researchers or other consumers who need the data. In this process, individual users retain control over their data and can directly obtain financial returns from their data.

4. Security and Privacy

In the MDT ecosystem, data security and privacy are top priorities. Blockchain technology and smart contracts work together to ensure the transparency and security of data transactions, while the personal privacy of data providers is strictly protected. During the data transaction process, only authorized parties can access and use the data.


The MDT platform provides a secure, transparent and decentralized environment for the monetization and trading of personal data by leveraging blockchain technology and smart contracts. This innovation not only allows data providers to retain control over their data, but also to receive fair financial returns. As more individuals and businesses realize the value of data, MDT platforms are expected to play an important role in the future data economy.

MDT Ecosystem and Development Overview

Measurable Data Token (MDT) is a blockchain ecosystem dedicated to promoting data sharing and profit. The following is its current development and future prospects:

1. MyMDT data wallet

MyMDT Data Wallet is an Ethereum-based decentralized application designed to earn rewards by sharing anonymous data points. The wallet has been integrated with multiple applications, including MailTime, MeFi, Measurable AI, and RewardMe, which further expand the application scenarios of the MDT ecosystem.

2. Measurable AI

Measurable AI is the data analysis branch of MDT, dedicated to transforming anonymous transaction data into consumer insights to serve financial institutions and enterprises. This project not only enriches MDT's service scope, but also strengthens its position in the data industry.

3. Team and development route

Since its establishment in 2017, the MDT team has been committed to creating a safe, transparent and efficient data sharing platform. Their core projects include Talkbox, which has been adapted into a TV show and novel called "Startup Age", showcasing the team's extensive experience in the data and media fields.

In the future roadmap, MDT will further expand its ecosystem, strengthen the connection between users and data providers, and develop more Ethereum-based applications to provide more data reward opportunities.

MDT was acquired by Chain

In 2022, blockchain infrastructure company Chain successfully acquired MDT and its ecosystem products, with a transaction value of more than $100 million. The acquisition sparked attention in the market, causing a short-term increase in the price of the MDT token. However, the price of MDT tokens subsequently fell back due to market factors, but this acquisition will bring potential benefits to MDT holders and convert MDT tokens into XCN tokens.

Measurable Data Token: Resurgence in the AI ​​Boom

The cryptocurrency market has always been driven by narratives, and one of the hot topics today is artificial intelligence (AI).

Driven by the popularity of ChatGPT, some well-known cryptocurrency experts shouted on Twitter that tokens based on artificial intelligence may dominate the next wave of bull markets. This statement triggered the explosive growth of a series of AI tokens.

Driven by this AI trend, Measurable Data Token (MDT) also seized the opportunity to actively promote itself on social media. It promised to apply AI technology to blockchain applications, a move that caused its price to skyrocket by more than 150% in a short period of time.

The rise of MDT is not only a recognition of its technology and application prospects, but also a response to the market’s strong demand for combining blockchain and artificial intelligence. As its role in the data economy becomes increasingly prominent, MDT may become the focus of investors and technology enthusiasts, ushering in a new round of innovation and growth.

All this shows that MDT is not only a digital asset, but also an important force that stands at the forefront of technology and contributes to the market boom.

MDT: The new currency for parsing consumer data

MDT (Measurable Data Token) is a token built on Ethereum that powers the Measurable Data Token ecosystem. Its main role is to facilitate the anonymous sharing and monetization of consumer data.

MDT serves as a bridge between users and enterprises, researchers, and other data consumers, making the sharing and use of data more valuable and efficient through its use as a medium of exchange. This platform aims to create a new data economy in the digital era, providing users with a secure, transparent and decentralized data exchange mechanism to ensure responsible and ethical use of data.

MDT tokens have various uses, including:

Data Monetization: Users can monetize their data through MDT, sell it to enterprises or other data consumers, and obtain rewards and benefits from it.

Data exchange medium: MDT serves as the exchange currency within the platform. Users can buy and sell data and use it to pay for data-related services and products.

Promote the development of the data market: Through MDT, the platform promotes the development and expansion of the data market, making data exchange and utilization more convenient and transparent.

The existence of MDT not only makes personal data more valuable, but also promotes the innovation and development of the data economy. With the continuous development of blockchain technology and artificial intelligence, MDT will continue to play an important role in this emerging market and lead the new trend of data sharing.

MDT Token Distribution In-depth Analysis

Measurable Data Token (MDT) is not only a driving force for data transactions, but also shapes a more beneficial market environment through its transparent and honest token distribution strategy. Here are the distribution details of MDT tokens:

MailTime Email Messenger Team: 240,000,000 MDT

  • This part of MDT is used to support the MailTime email messenger team and drive its technical development and expansion.

Early investors and advisors: 110,000,000 MDT

  • Used to reward early investors and advisors and encourage their contributions to the MDT ecosystem.

User Growth Pool: 150,000,000 MDT

  • Through this part of MDT, user growth and community building are promoted, and the influence and participation of MDT are expanded.

Pre-sale: 150,000,000 MDT

  • Used in the pre-sale stage to provide necessary funds and support for the development of the MDT ecosystem.

Token distribution event: 350,000,000 MDT

  • This portion of the MDT allocation is intended to drive the development and expansion of the entire ecosystem, including operational and technical support for the Measurable platform and MailTime email messenger.

The MDT team devotes 40% of its budget to the research and development of the MDT ecosystem, including technological innovation and open source community maintenance for the Measurable platform and MailTime email messenger. In addition, 20% of the budget is used to support the operation and related calculations of the measurable platform, MailTime email messenger, and 10% is used for legal, security, accounting, human resources and other administrative expenses. The final 25% is used to promote the MailTime email messenger and MDT data trading ecosystem to promote ecosystem development among data providers, buyers and users.

Such a token distribution strategy ensures the steady development and sustainable growth of the MDT ecosystem and further promotes innovation and development in the data market.
When analyzing Measurable Data Token (MDT) price history and future predictions, we can see that this token has experienced complex market fluctuations over the past few years. Below is a summary of historical analysis and future forecasts for MDT price:

Price history analysis

First entry into the market (2018):

  • When MDT first entered the market in 2018, it was during the cryptocurrency market bubble, with its highest price reaching $0.8583. However, the market then entered a crypto winter, with prices falling dramatically and hitting an all-time low of $0.001615 in late 2018.

Recovery 2020-2021:

  • MDT prices began a steady recovery since mid-2020, peaking in early 2021 during the crypto market boom. MDT first broke above the $0.10 mark in April 2021, but fell back after the market crashed in May.

Volatility in 2022:

  • At the beginning of 2022, the MDT price was around $0.1384, but was subsequently affected by global geopolitical events and market uncertainty, and the price fell again to around $0.02.

Current trends:

  • From mid-2022 to the end of June, MDT prices recovered slightly, but remained at a low level.

Future Price Forecast (2023-2030)
MDT Price Prediction 2025

For the price of Measurable Data Token (MDT) in 2025, market analysis shows different opinions and predictions:

TradingBeast 和 WalletInvestor:

  • According to analysis by TradingBeast and WalletInvestor, their price predictions for MDT by the end of 2025 fluctuate between $0.002086 and $0.070656. These forecasts reflect the underlying volatility and uncertainty in the market.


  • In contrast, PricePrediction.net takes a more optimistic view. They believe that the price of MDT has a chance to reach $0.122765 in December 2025. This forecast takes into account possible market movements and technological developments.

MDT Price Prediction 2030

Experts are generally pessimistic about Measurable Data Token’s long-term price predictions in 2030:


  • WalletInvestor predicts that the price of MDT may drop to $0.068006 by 2030. This reflects their more conservative view of long-term market trends.


  • PricePrediction.net’s forecast is more pessimistic, stating that MDT could fall to $0.007949 in 2030. This forecast may take into account multiple factors such as market competition, technological changes, and the global economic environment.


  • TradingBeast is also not optimistic about the long-term outlook of MDT. Their price prediction for MDT in 2030 is only $0.001598, reflecting a more conservative estimate of the long-term value of the token.

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