What to earn when the market is so bad that you can't make money?

1. Earn cheap chips When the market is bad, the price of the currency will naturally be very low. At this time, the price of the currency is often at a discount, accompanied by pledge, fear, and crazy selling. In fact, the bear market is the best time to increase your position!

2. Earn gas Friends who are interested in making money know that when the market is bad, gas is often very low. At this time, we can brush some main network tx, earn more gas, save dozens or hundreds of times of handling fees, and make the road to making money smoother.

3. Earn friends When the market is not good, you can make more friends in the circle and share more insights and business opportunities. We may learn a lot because of a word from the other party.

4. Earn planning The market is like a tide, one wave rises after another. We can make adequate preparations when the tide is low, find more valuable projects, invest in them when no one cares, and make a lot of money when the bull market comes!

5. Earn knowledge We have too many things to learn, and there are endless things to learn in the blockchain market. We can take this opportunity to learn more technical knowledge and creative inspiration, and shine in the future!

6. Earn body The body is the capital of revolution. Rest when you need to rest, go out when you need to play. The body is always more important than money. Keep your body healthy, and you will be energetic in everything you do in the future!

7. Earn some off-site funds It is not easy to make money in the market, but the off-site market is not affected. Make more money, even if it is for bargain hunting or replenishment!

Finally, if you are a newcomer in the currency circle, and you are excited to rush into the currency circle when you see BTC hit a record high before, then I suggest you pay attention to me first, learn the knowledge of the currency circle well, and make up for your basic skills.

A tall building rises from the ground, and glory can only rely on yourself. Only by laying a solid foundation can you go further.

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