#BTC $BTC BTC short position is profitable. Yesterday, the intraday short-term prompt was short, and everyone was asked to focus on the long-short watershed near 65139.3. The market broke the 4-hour long-short price and went short all the way, reaching the upper target. Short-term contract monitoring operation, real-time attention to the changes in long and short forces.

BTC market analysis of the day

The current BTC market shows that at the short-term 1/2 hour level, the bulls gradually dominate. However, we should not ignore that at the longer 4-hour level, the bears are still strong. Today, the focus of the market will undoubtedly be on the 4-hour level of the long-short watershed-64502.1, a key point.

If the market goes down, we should first pay attention to the three support levels below: 64111.4, 63733.8 and 63384.1. These prices are support areas that may be formed in the short term. Once touched, they may trigger a short-term rebound in the market.

If the market rebounds, the upper target price is particularly critical. The three price levels of 64111.4, 63733.8 and 63384.1 will be important resistance areas for the bulls to try to break through.

During the trading process, we need to watch the market in real time to capture the subtle changes in the strength of the bulls and bears. Short-term operations are a double test of the trader's mentality and technology. Only by accurately grasping the pulse of each wave of the market can we make steady profits in the ever-changing currency circle.

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