Sun Yuchen's crypto empire is shaky

With the sword of regulation hanging high and market confidence shaken, the crypto empire built by Sun Yuchen seems to be facing an unprecedented crisis. Its vast territory, including the Tron network, is undergoing unprecedented tests.

According to multiple sources, regulatory authorities in multiple jurisdictions have launched in-depth investigations into Sun Yuchen's business in the crypto field, suspected of involving illegal activities. This series of regulatory actions has undoubtedly cast a thick shadow on Sun Yuchen's crypto empire.

At the same time, Sun Yuchen's core projects such as Tron Network (TRX), Poloniex Exchange, HTX (such as Huobi) Exchange, BitTorrent and JUST Foundation (DeFi products) are also shaky in this storm. The fate of these projects is closely related to Sun Yuchen's future and also affects the hearts of countless investors.

In the face of such a situation, whether Sun Yuchen and his crypto empire can survive the difficulties remains unknown. But in any case, this incident will have a profound impact on the crypto market and deserves our continued attention.

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